Getting Started
It's easy to get started with payroll with eSmart Payroll.
eSmart Payroll has been providing IRS and State authorized E-File for the past 15 years with the most competitive price and reliable services.
Note: eSmart Payroll supports State E-Filing of W-2 and 1099-NEC/1099-MISC (optional).
1099-NEC and 1099-MISC Correction is used to correct previously filed 1099-NEC and 1099-MISC.
eSmart Payroll supports E-Filing of W-2 and 1099-MISC for many states.*
* E-File of W-2 and 1099-MISC to States are optional upon checkout
Under California law, employers are required to report specific information periodically
• Report of New Employee(s) (DE 34)
• Report of Independent Contractor(s) (DE 542)
• Quarterly Contribution Return and Report of Wages (DE 9) and
• Quarterly Contribution Return and Report of Wages (Continuation) (DE 9C)
NYS-1: If you withhold $700 or more during a calendar quarter you must remit the tax with Form NYS-1, Return of Tax Withheld, within 3 or 5 business days after the payroll report that caused the accumulated tax withheld to equal or exceed $700.
NYS-45: All employers required to withhold tax from wages must file Form NYS-45, Quarterly Combined Withholding, Wage Reporting, and Unemployment Insurance Return, each calendar quarter.
Quarterly Reconciliation of Withholding: Employers who are registered for Connecticut income tax withholding (other than household employers, agricultural employers granted annual filer status, and seasonal filers) are required to file Form CT-941 for each calendar quarter even if no tax is due or if no tax was required to be withheld.
GA G-1003: Annual reconciliation form needs to filed with W2 and 1099Misc/1099Nec forms.
IL-941: Withholding Income Tax Return and is required to be filed electronically
UI-340: Employers Contribution and Wage Report (Quarterly)
NJ W-3: Annual reconciliation form needs to filed with W2 and 1099Misc/1099Nec forms.
PA-1667: Annual reconciliation form needs to filed with W2 and 1099Misc/1099Nec forms.
VA V-6: Annual reconciliation form needs to filed with W2 and 1099Misc/1099Nec forms.
WT-6: Withholding Tax Deposit Report, Wisconsin requires employers to withhold income taxes from employee paychecks in addition to employer paid UI taxes.
WT-7: Annual reconciliation form needs to filed with W2 and 1099Misc/1099Nec forms.
New 2020 form 941 (Employer's Quarterly Federal Tax Form) and 944 (Employer's Annual Federal Tax Form) is the forms used by employers to report employment taxes, withholding amounts, deposit amounts, and amounts due to the IRS.
Form 940 is the federal unemployment tax annual report form. It calculates the employer's federal unemployment tax liability, adjusts for any state unemployment taxes paid, then calculates the unemployment tax due.
Form 1099-NEC / 1099-MISC are tax forms that reports the year-end summary of all non-employee and miscellaneous compensation. The 1099-NEC form covers self-employment and independent contractor income, while 1099-MISC covers rent, royalties, crop insurance proceeds, and several other kinds of miscellaneous income.
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